Our impact


The Community Council for Medgar Evers College was established in 1970 and incorporated in 1972. The founders and visionaries were ordinary citizens and community leaders of central Brooklyn. As they promoted the idea of enhancement of the quality of life for citizens of central Brooklyn, they saw the need for an institution of higher education in the area. After many discussions and negotiations with city and state officials, their persistence triumphed, and Medgar Evers College was born. It was named after the slain civil rights leader, Medgar Evers, to symbolize the struggles experienced to get a college to serve this community After its establishment, a Presidential Search Committee was appointed. Seven Central Brooklyn residents and organizational representatives were included on the Presidential Search Committee. In February 1970, Dr. Richand D. Trent was named the first President of Medgar Evers College. The Council is composed of representatives from the community at large including residents, organizations, faculty, students, churches, and elected officials of the Central Brooklyn area.The Community Council for Medgar Evers College, Inc. is a 501(c)3 a not-for-profit organization that is tax-exempt under the Internal Revenue Code.


Since 1980, the Council has provided more than $250,000 in scholarships to Medgar Evers College students. The Council awards a variety of scholarships each year to eligible students who have a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Scholarships in the past have included:
The Lucille RoseMemorial Scholarship for Outstanding Service
The Dr. Cec-il Gloster Memorial Scholarship for students in the Health Field
General Academic Achievement Scholarship
The Ivy Rose Foundation Memorial Scholarship (for non-traditional students who are pursuing a degree after the age of 30)
The Leonia Williams Scholarship Fund and
The Constance Culver Memorial Scholarship. More current scholarships are:
The Kenneth P. Thompson Scholarship Fund
The Green-Chavis Scholar-ship Fund and
General Academic Achievement Scholarship. The Council also presents Annual Leadership Awards to outstanding individuals in the community which may include the following categories: Education; Ecumenical; Business, Community Service, and Judicial. In addition to a Youth Award which includes a $500 scholarship. Giving Opportunities. Please contribute to the Council’s legacy of intellectual development by providing financial assistance to a deserving student. Make a donation in the form of an endowment, grant, or other gift-giving. Establish a scholarship fund in memory of a loved one. Make checks payable to: Community Council for Medgar Evers College, Inc.


Gloria Andrews
Jacqueline Cole
Lisa C. Dixon
Elizabeth Freeman
Hon. Sharen D. Hudson
Bianca Robinson
Diane A. Smith

Katie L. Davis, President
Anne M. Bush, Vice President
Bode Awolowo, Treasurer
Gloria E. Wilson, Assistant Treasurer
Andrea J. Flateau, Secretary
Dr. Marceline J. Watler, Chair, Scholarship Committee
Renee Robinson, Chair, Public Relations
Edena C. Gill, Good & Welfare
Pending Appointment, Chaplain
Janet Collins, Parliamentarian

Margaret L. Ross
Asbury Shepard-El
Oliver West
Shelby D. Hudson, Youth Member
Charles R. Ripley, Youth Member

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